Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We are Drug Inc.!

This is a missing slide from our presentation, as the picture is informal we did not put it into our presentation. However I still loved the slides so I put it here~All the best for you guys for your coming exam~You two brought me a very good memory about projects~JIA YOU!

6 As, 3 Ps and 1 L

Final Reflection (Post #6)

6 ‘A’s for both the communication and life skills that I’ve learnt from this module.

One’s capability does not decide how high one jumps, but the attitude one possesses.  A British scientific paper reported that our brain reacts to whatever we tell it to do. Likewise, nobody can bring out our greatest potential except for ourselves. In this module, speaking and writing in English is unavoidable. When I set my attitude to give my best effort to communicate, things become better than when I treated myself as an international student.

When I started appreciating everything rather than taking them for granted, I felt that communication became much easier and also more intimate. Appreciating the different backgrounds from which my group mates come from has allowed me to open my eyes and learn more.

Before starting any assignment, I’ve learnt to set a goal that I want to achieve rather than just aimlessly completing the assignment. Ambition can become a great motivation along the way especially when faced with an obstacle. When doing a project, having a discussion or when writing my blog, my ambition helps to bring out more creative ideas and enables me to be more productive.

Be tolerated, patient, and open-minded.  In this module, we had discussed a lot of our own ideas both in and outside the classroom. When faced with different opinions during a discussion, I’ve learnt to try to accept it rather than sticking to my own views. This way, I feel that I have more to learn as compared to when just trying force my views on others.

Daydreaming did not build this world. When I get an idea, I’ve learnt to take it one step further and do some research and take action. Even if I end up failing, I’ll know that at least I’ve tried my best.

Be aware of my mind, actions, the world, and everything around. This awareness helps me to notice any points, feelings or ideas that others may overlook during any communication process.

3 ‘P’s I’ve learnt to apply in class.

I used to be a Chinese debater; a very aggressive and impatient person. Regardless of what others say, as long as it is different from my point of view, I will spare no effort in arguing my point till all agree with me. However, after this class, I’ve started to realize that being patient is very important during any form of communication. It is a way of showing your care and respect to the person at the other end of the conversation.

Regardless the correctness of the discussion in class, being polite is a basic but crucial point to having an effective communication. When I was polite, my partners tended to say more and they could also feel that I did care about their opinions. Being polite also helps to build a healthy communication panel.

It took me some time before I started to speak out in class. However, after I started to participate in class discussions, I realize that I’ve come to learn more than I expected to.

1 ‘L’ I’ve learnt from blogging.

It is all about language. A lawyer defending somebody in court, a professor passing on his knowledge to his students and me explaining my feelings through the internet. When it comes to blogging there is no eye contact, no body language and no tone to help you interact with your audience. Your language becomes the only tool you can depend on. I have seen through my blogging experience that I still have a long way to go before becoming more professional in my use of the English language, but nonetheless I shall persevere.

6 ‘A’s, 3 ‘P’s, and 1 ‘L’. The 11 words will always be with me regardless of whom I communicate with, and the format I communicate through.

Monday, November 8, 2010

We are done~

Our presentation, on behalf of Drug Inc., was ended yesterday. It is a bit hard to present your two months' preparation in 25 min, but we have tried our best to achieve it.
Thoughts behind each part:
Rather than present everything we have written in the report, we would like to take this chance to bridge the gap of our report. Our team forcus more on the implementation plan and the evaluation of the benefit and  the solution during our presentation. We prepared a detailed chart to show how our plan will be implemented if it is applicable.I was in chage of the background and the purpose statement of our project.
As I was the first speaker of our formal presentation after Wee Boon's brief introduction of our group, I decided to start with a short story about myself. Although it sounded a bit off from our topic-orientation participation rate, i still used it because I would like to bring the point that the importance of your network in college life, and orientation is the first and very crucial panel for your network.
Inside the background, I choose to give out all the basic knowledge about O week, I hope with this all the audience can get a clear picture about what O week really is. Secondly, I narrow down the O week background to Faculty of Science, because due to the complexity of the O week itself we focused our study on the case of FoS. Thirdly, I mention the problems of the current O week programme, and which part we are going to target in our project. Lastly, I state our project statement, I do not want to illustrate too much on the statement, because in my opinion keeping it clean and tiny is a way to help the audience memorize the key points.
I put in all my key points inside the slides, but I try to avoid the wordy problems. As most of us know, sometimes we may think something others when listening to a presentation. When the audience's thought comes back, I do hope there are still some points he could catch up.

I would like to compare myself with the "past me". I could feel I improved a bit after the peer teaching session, during the presentation, I moved less, spoke louder and pronounce a bit clearer than before. I interacted with my slides, because I hoped the audience could get the key points I put into the slides. My gesture and eye contact improved a bit. And I did not memorize my script, I held the notes in my hand but I just randomed took a glance rather than read it.
1. My tone is still a problem, for some words I could not pronounce very clearly, I need to practice more.
2. I tried to make the background crystally clear, however, it is still a bit under my expectation, I got some points inside my mind, but I just could not explain it clearly enough due to the language limitation.
3. When I was nervous, I will blink too much. So did in the presentation.
4. I needed more eye contact with the audience.
5. I said something irrelevant when I could not get the correct words for the question.

All in all, I could see my improvement along the way. However, I needed to spend more effort on improving my presentation skills, both verbal language and body language.